Saturday, May 23, 2009


20 May 2009- 9pm

Ya Allah
By the passing of the night and the coming of the day light, this is the humble voice, performs hopes and prayers as your servants.
Ya Allah, the most Gracious and the most Mercifull
Please forgive us for all our sins, make easy for our tongues to engage in remembering and altering of your beautiful name and our given hearts to offer our thankfullness of your plentifull blessings of helps and strenghts to our bodies and souls to carry out our duties to obey Your commands succesfully
Ya Allah,
Please open us Ad-din, the right and the perfect way of life. Save us from your roughs and calamities through our lifes till death.

Today, I went hang out with my greatest and loving best girl friends ever!! We went bowl in Alamanda. This time, Nadia was around since she was just finished taking her final exam, (she’s in Nursing course). Everyone was there except for Malyanah, Ibtisam n Nedah. Well, Mal n Ib got classes on that day (darned short sem,hahaha) while nedah has lost in action ; she didn’t reply my messages. We rendezvous at Nadia’s house, since Nadia fetched others to her house first, later I drove them to Alamanda. Though, these girls actually have their own driving licence, but I guess they are afraid to drive one.It always me who take on the wheel .well girls, bile lagi korang drive? Takkan asyik aku je nk jadi driver korang, bile korang nak bawa aku lak?? So, about 1.20 pm we arrived. The parking lot was empty (this is why i love hanging out during weekdays) which an ease for me to park anywhere I want. First place we head up was the Burger King. Yep3 hungry we were! Oh, but before that, we performed zohor prayer first then digging the delicacies. Frankly, I personally prefer McD than BK, though their burgers are in king size, but it’s taste doesn’t fit the buds. Tapi sebab makan dengan kwn2, sumer jadi best! Mase makan, posing adelah subjek utama. Haha, once camera begins to snap, we couldn’t stop making funny and hilarious faces in front of the lense. Memang riuh satu BK. We were pretty sure everyone else around got annoyed with our ‘happy-hour’, but we didn’t really care about what others were thinking- “ee,bisingnyer budak2 ni”-“ish3, budak2 pempuan ni”-“kedai ni diorang yang punye ke”…hahaha,.lantak korang la.janji kitorang yang bahagia. Afterwards, kaki kitorang berjalan menuju ke tempat bowl. Hoho, naseb baik tak ramai orang juge. Kitorang dapat lane yg 5-6, memule mintak hujung, tapi org tu kate tuk budak2 praktis bowl. Ok-fine. So,kitorang pon main ley dengan riuh nyer, again conquer kebisingan bowl alamanda nih. Kitorang je yg gelak2, jerit2 sbb strike.hahaha.n then, mase tengah2 kepoh tu, ade la sorang budak pempuan, about 11-13 years old kot (xde la plak aku pergi tnyer umur budak tuh =P) die main kat sebelah lane kitorang and she’s like wakil negara kot. Every time she threw, she strikes them all. Dasyat seyh minah nih. N kitorang pun macam malu la jugek,sebab asyik masuk longkang je. Afiqah went “dik,nak berguru ley?”…~naah~kidding.but we were amazed by her excellent skill in rolling the ball. N again,group haida menang lagi. Ala,differ in one point only la,,whats the biggie…LOL~ farah la paling tinggi markah mesti praktis kat umah nih.hoho. We played two games since mmg tujuan datang sini tuk main bowl semate-mate. After two games, tangan kitorang cam da sakit2.hahaha. then, nadia went for grocery shop with afiqah,haida plak pergi KFC for homies. N we went home sharp at 4.30pm sebab duk kejar masa, mak nadia nak balik rumah takde kunci.hahah,lawak pon ade.Kat umah nad, kitorang solat asar. Tah dari mana aku dapat idea nak berjalan lagi, tak puas weehh,,main bowling kejap gile, makan kejap gil~salu kitorang makan n lepak2 kt kedai makan about almost 3hours.haha,memang kedai tu kitorang yang punye. So, kitorang pon pergi la Tasek Chempaka. Nadia tak ikot~Ingat nk jalan2 beli aiskrim, orang jual aiskrim pergi jual tempat lain pulak by the time kitorang sampai-hampes punye pakcik aiskrem. Haida got her fantastic idea. Bergambar. Wawawawawa. That’s our specialty though. So, my 2.0megapix was hired. Owh, farah’s as well. Kt TC bergambar sakan as if we’ve never been to TC before.haha. the weather that day was very2 B-E-Atiful I tell ya’. All pictures were gorgeous and cute plus the photogenic-ness of us.OMG, those pictures memang mengalahkan american’s next top model.kah3. if only everyone’s here, that would be PERFECT!!
we heading back home about 7pm.haaa,,da lame tak gelak n senyum macam hari nih.N hanye kawan2 ni yang mampu buat aku tergelak n tersenyum cam orang gile.hahaha.Sayang yang amat kepada mereka!!n FYI, these girls are my friends since we were in standard one back in primary school!!NO one could ever replace their marvelous existence in my life!!