Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Towards Healthy Life

Peace be Upon All

Heyy'all.It has been almost one month since the last blog..Fuh,surely holidays is the greatest period of a life time, no assignments to finish by date line,no lectures to listen,no experiments need to be completed,no study to catch up!. This time around,me and BESTIES ; Haida,Afiqah and Fatin (Farah has joined recently) decided to go for a ; so called healthy life style which is, jogging!.So,every Monday,Wednesday and Friday morning (around 0730,every week) we would go for one round 15-20 minutes jogging,and 20-30 minutes playing badminton.Isn't that exercising?!ahahaha.The usual and only port suitable for such activities is in TTC (taman tasik cempaka).I got up early so that I can send my little brothers to school first then headed to TC (so effing early i tell yah!,even mase kuliah pun tak bangun seawal ni..siap tersengguk-sengguk dalam kelas lagi..=_=").I really admire this kids, in a way that they have to get up early and be at school asap!
ANYHOW,here's some views of TC

(I do not own the picts)

After about one hour spending exercising,of course it didn't end just like that. We head up to 'pasar'. That's what we call it since decade ago.There are few stalls selling breakfast and perhaps some 'lauk-pauk' for lunch (and of course wet market selling cooking needs).And there we sat,eating nasi lemak (usually) and gossiping etc (girl stuff).The owner of the stall has even recognized us (the loud spot). Usually we asked for a half-fill plate of nasi lemak (towards healthy life-yeay!!^^) and one glass of Teh O ais/Limau ais etc which, only cost us less than Rm3 (well,the last time I ate,that Abg said its rm2.80).Oh,of course,Nasi lemak biasa je lah.tak yah la lebih-lebih.=p)
Though some people might think that it's such a waste of jogging if you eat later after the exercise,well least we burned some calories rather than added up with none that lost.DO some calculation please.=)
Besides gaining its known-benefits of jogging, its a good excuse to hanging around with your friends more often.=).Well,I know I'm loving it!(Not a McD's ads). ANYWAY, so freaaaaking loving my best and greatest friends for always being around!and for everything lah!