This might be the last post for this year, since it's already end of December. I'm currently continuing my 3rd semester in UPM. Alhamdullilah, this sem's registration courses went a little ease compared to the last two semesters.And like usual, the courses registered are much more tougher that the years back.I'm having three Chemistry subjects this semester which are Analytical Chem, Component of Food Chemistry, and Analytical of Food Chemistry.I am yet do not know what are the differences' between each,and what are the similarities. Yet their names seems to be related to each other.Hoping that everything will go through smoothly.
This semester, my juniors from Asper registered in for their freshman in BSTM and for other courses as well.Like us,(the so-called S-Club7) they are facing the difficulties in registration,even worst when they are in more numbers than us.Faculty doesn't look like they give a warm welcomed as they didn't ready the classes for these students.They should have thought through this so-called phenomenal when the Asper student joined in for their freshman year. It has been 4 batches of Asperians coming in for their degrees. Can't they think of much better ways and efforts of welcoming the Asper (hey, kami warga didik emas UPM ok, dah berapa lame dah duduk kat UPM ni.almost 3 years taw..,cepatnya masa berlalu.Dah masuk tahun baru.Dah semakin tua.and semakin menghampiri kematian. What happened to last year's resolutions? Did all the aims achieved?I can say - yep.half of it.hihi.(^_^)v
Done listing all the newest for next year.InsyaAllah,cube untuk mendisiplinkan diri. Amin.Semoga kalian dan diri ini diberkati Allah selalu.
Segala yg baik datang dari Allah,dan yg buruk datang dari diri saya sendiri. Wallahu'alam.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Salam Azam Baru 2010
Posted by Ally M at 2:51 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Loads of Love
Peace upon all..
Besties hangout again.This time we gathered to celebrate 3 awesome girls, Farah, Haida, and Fatin. Farah and Haida just reached their 20th since their birthdays are at the end of year, while Fatin celebrating her 21th in advance.
Blueberry Cheese Cake.Superb delicious.
Birthday girls!
Wishing Nadia were around.
To Farah,Haida,and Fatin,happy belated birthday,happy birthday(today!), and happy birthday in advance respectively..hihi..
Love u guys so much!Bff forever!!
Posted by Ally M at 8:41 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Sabar je la..
Peace upon all..
As I fetched Abg Zidni from KLIA,where ayoh decided to test drive his not-oftenly-use Mercedes ; we head on via highway which at first I thought I was going alone ; figuring out the alternative way instead of using highway,but then ayoh wouldn't allowed me to go alone after all.
Ayoh drove up till the pump station near KLIA and then we switched. The car was fine even ayoh 'floor it'!approximately up to 150km/h.yeah!cracking!
On the way back,there was a usual-roadblock by JPJ at the end of the junction from the KLIA.Like last time I drove my Nissan to fetched ayoh (just a couple days ago) the JPJ-guy passed me through but not this time.He asked me to pull over.So I did. He asked for my driving license and I gave him.He looked at it,and set me off.Whaaaatta!??!!That pissed me off!What??You think that a girl like me could not drive a Merc?? HELL-0000~dah merata dah kereta ni aku bawa!balik terengganu-balik KL.Come on la.
HUH.Thank god I had my cool-down medicine back at home.My choc-indulgence cake!.We were celebrating Adik Asri's 9th birthday.(I think this was the first pose he smiled during his birthday).Ashbi and I bought some presents for him as we never missed any each year just for adik.(Aww,,isn't that sweeet..>_<).
and a pose from one of my niece,Aidah.
At night,I watched Transformer 2 again,for the third time.One of my favourite movie after Dark knight.Think of change the 'Eric' name even shorter,maybe 'E'...naa~sounds funny.'Eric' would be fine.I just dunno myself why did 'Eric' was chosen.(hah,it sounds crazy to named a car right??,haha.but,I like it).Well, whatever it is, I love my kelisa a lot! More importantly,love the one who bought it for me!Daaaddddyy!my Eric.
Posted by Ally M at 6:22 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Kenangan dan Pengalaman...PLKN
Sedang aku membuat senaman pagi hari ini,tiba-tiba fikiranku kembali mengimbau aktiviti-aktiviti aku di PLKN.Setiap hari yang aku alami disana seperti baru berlaku semalam,masih segar diingatan.Aku rindukan setiap saat indah disana.
Seperti sedia maklum,kerajaan telah melaksanakan satu program khas bagi pelajar-pelajar lepasan SPM yang terpilih,bagi mengikuti Program Latihan Khidmat Negara. Ia merupakan program wajib bagi mereka yang telah terpilih,namun dikecuali kepada sesiapa yang mempunyai sebab yang munasabah.Idea pelaksanaan program ini adalah bagi menyediakan diri golongan muda dalam menghadapai cabaran serta ancaman dari dalam dan luar negara.(info selanjutnya di
Untuk pertama kalinya aku mendengar idea pelaksanaan ini, aku terbayang 'military services' yang dilaksanakan oleh kerajaan korea buat semua remaja lelaki di sana. 'Military service'???Wow.Semestinya memenatkan.Lantas aku berdoa,agar aku bukanlah diantara yang malang itu.
Ketika itu,aku sedang sibuk menyiapkan diri secara mental mahupun fizikal kerana aku bakal bertempur di medan SPM. Sedang dalam kesibukan menelaah dan mengaji, pelajar-pelajar berusia 17 tahun diseluruh Malaysia digemparkan dengan senarai nama-nama yang terpilih bagi mengikuti PLKN ini.Jantungku berdengup laju.Sesuatu yang tidak kena.Sesuatu yang tidak baik.
Ya.Benarlah.Gerak hati aku tidak lagi menafikan bahawa aku adalah salah seorang yang malang itu.Aduh.Terkesima sebentar.Aku cuba untuk tidak memikirkannya,cuba untuk bertenang.Berpuluh ucapan tahniah diajuk oleh rakan-rakan.Aku masih bersabar.
Hari itu tiba.Hari pertama untuk tahun itu.Ribuan remaja berkumpul di Stesen Perhentian Kajang.Ramainya orang,bisik hatiku.Walaupun ekspresi mukaku agak tenang namun gundah di hati hanya Allah yang tahu.Sempat juga aku bertemu dengan sahabat baikku yang juga mengikuti program ini.
Setelah bersalaman dengan ibu,ayah serta keluarga yang turut sama menghantar,aku menetapkan niat dan 'mind setting'.Bas mula menuju ke Batu Jong,Kelantan. Satu perjuangan bermula.
Pangkat: Sarjan (Ketua Kompeni Delta Wirawati)
Ternyata aku silap.Kini,aku memanjatkan setinggi rasa syukur kerana akulah yang 'malang' itu,bertuah memilik segala kenangan dan pengalaman yang tidak dapat ditimba di tempat lain ; tidak dapat dijual beli walau berjuta wang ringgit dilaburkan.
2 bulan 11 hari aku disana.Suka duka bersama sahabat baru dari pelbagai latar. Berbagai-bagai ilmu baru pelajari disana.Pengalaman ditimba.Setiap kenangan tersemat dihati.Semoga sahabat-sahabat yang lain juga menggenggam semangat dan menyemat setiap kenangan kita bersama-sama.
Posted by Ally M at 4:43 PM 0 comments
Don't go to that restaurant!
Peace upon all..
Berjalan2 ke Sunway hari ni bersama dengan kawan2 asasi.Hajat sebenar adalah semata2 tuk berjalan2 tgk sunway.Dulu pernah pergi tapi kejap je.Mereka2 ni,Tikun,Hanisah,Ku,Fiza,Saba,and Wawa ; diorang nak skating kat sana.Meanwhile,aku tak berniat pon nk bermain2 atas ice ni.(p/s..sebenarnya takde duit nak main,mampu tengok je..hahaha..=p).So,mereka bermain dengan gembiranya.Ade yang jatuh2 tergolek,terlentang la..Upps,sape tu ye??hihi.
Menjadi kebiasaan la utk makan setiap kali keluar2 mcm ni.So, sebulat suara memilih P**** H**.Well,dah lame juge tak makan makanan ni,so why not.
Selesai pilih2 makanan,aku terbau something yang sgt nasty around tempat duduk kitorang.Serious rase nak muntah.Macam bau muntah orang/baby or ape2 je yg sgt tidak selesa hidung menghidu.Sepanjang mase menunggu makanan tiba,bau tu menusuk hidung....
"EUU,,this place sucks!smells nasty!"
Bile akak waitress datang bawak air,aku mengadu.
"kak,akak tak bau busuk ke around2 sini.Saya dah rase nak muntah dah ni.Akak boleh tolong buat ape2 tak,kasi hilang ini bau."
"dik,takley wat ape dah.adik da pilih tempat ni dah.Maaf la ye."
(+_+)Dem it.
Alhamdulillah,bile main course sampai,bau tu hilang.(agaknya sebab lapar,then tak pikir dah bau2 tu..=p).Bile sampai satu pesanan Hanisah,she got the wrong meal,which wasn't the one she ordered. So,panggil akak waitress yang ambik order kitorang tadi.
The argue begin..
H : akak,saye tak tempah yang ni.saya mintak bende lain tadi."
X : betol lah adik mintak yang ni tadi.tengok resit.
H : tadi yang saye maksudkan lain.saye tak sebut pon spaghetti.
The argue went on and on.The waiter didn't want to admit her fault that she mistakenly ordered something that we didn't want.Eventually kitorang tak dapat tukar or return.
I begin to wonder, is "The customer/money is always right"'s phrase still a buzzword in the business industry??.We pay for it.We deserved something that satisfied our needs.Workers with bad manners,smells-like-shit floor ; oh gush..this place is awful.
Nope!I don't want to eat in this restaurant anymore!(nasi goreng pataya kat UPM foodcourt lagi sedap la wey)
End of our outing.
Posted by Ally M at 2:41 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Setibanya waktu petang setiap selasa,aku akan menemani ibu ke pasar malam. Hajat ke pasar malam untuk membeli bekalan bahan-bahan mentah untuk masakan harian seperti ayam, ikan, sayuran, etc sambil-sambil mencuci mata melihat tudung-tudung dan baju-baju bermacam-macam fesyen. Singgah ke gerai-gerai yang ibu fikirkan perlu dibeli,terlintas di fikiran, mesti ibu sudah fasih dengan setiap gerai-gerai ini.
Menjadi kebiasaan juga untuk aku mengangkat barang-barang belian ibu.Tidakkan ku benarkan satu dipegang ibu,kecuali ibu bertegas untuk membawa.Selagi aku mampu,aku rangkul segala beg-beg plastik yang ada dengan kudrat seorang anak perempuan. Cukuplah ibu bersusah payah demi anak-anak.Walau ini saja yang mampu aku bantu, seboleh-bolehnya aku tidak mahu sebarang beban dan penat ditanggung ibu.
Sambil bergurauan bersama ibu,aku melihat sekeliling.Berjalan sambil-sambil mata mengimbas kelibat orang-orang yang berkunjung ke pasar malam.Berbagai ragam. Mataku tertumpu kepada satu.Pn Fazilah,bekas pensyarahku semasa di asasi.Terdetik di hati mahu menegur.Namun,padangannya menghala ke arah yang bertentangan.Aku serba salah. Tanganku pula sarat dengan beg-beg plastik.Ibu pula jauh berjalan ke hadapan. Maaf puan,bukan rezeki kita untuk bertegur sapa.Berjalan untuk beberapa langkah,mataku tertumpu kepada seorang wanita berbaju kurung,ustazah.Ustazah ini pernah mengajar aku semasa di sekolah agama dahulu.Puas aku memikirkan namanya.Terlintas sekali lagi untuk menegur.Namun,niatku terbantut.Mana mungkin dia mampu mengingatiku.Lagi pun, dia pernah mengajar sekali sahaja,kerana mengganti guru yang tiada.Sekali lagi niat itu terbatal.Berjalan untuk beberapa ketika lagi, aku sedari seorang lelaki yang sedang membetul-betulkan meja gerainya sambil membentang alas meja.Ustaz.Aku terpaku seketika walaupun kakiku masih gagah mengatur langkah.ustaz tak mengajar lagi ke? Berniaga sekarang?Jual apa ye?Timbul persoalan ini di benak fikiranku.Sekali lagi aku gagal mengingati namanya.YaAllah.Teruknya aku.Nama pendidik aku pun boleh lupa.
Terimbas pula kepada ayat yang pernah dilempar oleh ayah seketika dahulu, "Gagal mengingat nama guru sama seperti gagal menjadi pelajar cemerlang".Ya.Itulah kata ayah.Memang menusuk kalbu.Tidak dinafikan,ada beberapa guru yang aku tidak ingat namanya,namun aku tahu dia pernah mengajarku.Maaf,capasiti memoriku nampaknya tidak berapa besar dan berfungsi dengan baik.Begitulah setiap kali aku bertemu dengan pendidikku.Adakalanya bertegur,adanya tidak.Malunya dengan perlakuan itu. Tidak seperti ayahku,ayah seorang yang sangat menghargai guru-gurunya.Pelbagai usaha dilakukan oleh ayah sebagai tanda jutaan terima kasih buat semua pendidiknya.Aku kagum dengan ayah.
Sekembalinya fikiranku ke bingitan pasar malam ini,aku memerhati setiap gerai-gerai yang ada.Satu gerai mengalih pandanganku,lantas terdetik.Seorang pakcik dalam lingkungan 50-an,kelihat sedang menyusun barangan niaganya.Dia mejual cermin mata,berbagai jenis : cermin mata hitam pelbagai stail, cermin mata untuk rabun etc. Berapakah profit yang diperoleh pakcik ini untuk satu hari? Mampukah itu menanggung anak isteri? Menanggung isteri dan anak sahajakah?Mungkinkah pakcik ini juga ada menanggung sanak saudaranya?.Kala itu,aku memanjatkan setinggi kesyukuran,kerana hidupku sederhana.Alhamdulillah,ayah telah membesarkan aku dalam keadaan lengkap. Walau tidak bersuap sudu bertahktah berlian dan emas mahupun perak,namun aku membesar dengan penuh suapan kasih sayang ibu dan ayah.Ibu dan ayah sentiasa berada disamping aku ketika aku dibesarkan. Ayah bekerja keras mencari rezeki untuk kami anak beranak.
YaAllah,semoga engkau murahkan rezeki pakcik ini,agar dia boleh serta mampu menyara diri dan keluarganya.Agar dia mampu melihat anak-anaknya membesar dengan cemerlang.Amin Ya Rabbal'alamin.
Selalunya,di dalam hanyutan tubuh-tubuh di pasar malam ini,akan ada kelibat orang-orang yang kurang berkemampuan,meminta belas kasihan ; sedekah daripada yang lain.Namun, hari ini tiada kelibat mereka.Mungkin kerana hujan telah membataskan rezeki mereka.Tidak.Hujan itu hikmah. Pasti mereka bisa mendapat rezeki lebih daripada Allah.InsyaAllah.Amin.
Masa tidak mengizinkan.Kami harus segera bergerak ke kereta,untuk mengambil adikku dari sekolahnya.Semoga Allah merahmati semua peniaga-peniaga di sini dengan rezeki yang halal.Amin.
Posted by Ally M at 6:13 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Liku-Liku Kehidupan
Peace upon all..
What a great relieve, last paper will be on 6 November 2009,MGM2111. Setelah cramp 4 papers in one week (includes 2 papers in one day-_-”), gap antara 2nd last paper dgn last paper adelah seminggu.
Right after Statistic’s paper that Saturday, i headed home as soon as possible. Penat,letih,lega,gembira,..semua perasaan ada. Nak lupakan segala miserable yang dilalui mase menjawab exam selama 3 hari itu. Exam final kali ni, tak de satu paper pon yg rase confident tuk dapat A...aisshh,teruk nyer preparation aku.Well,tak guna jugek kalau da menyesal sekarang kan. Bende pun dah lepas. Perlu lah berusaha lebih 100 kali ganda untuk sem seterusnya.(wow,macam exaggerate je..>_<,insyaAllah mampu buat)
Sepanjang masa meniti ke final exam,ada je dugaan,godaan dan cabaran harus dilalui. Menguji keimanan dan kesabaran. Seminggu sebelum final,ade Lasbella,atau name panjangnya lawatan sambil belajar ke Genting Highland.Dianjurkan oleh kelas MGM2111 kumpulan 8, sebahagian daripada assignment.Nak arrange semua2 ni bukan mudah.kene telefon sini sana,mintak persetujuan orang2 tertentu.Mula2 dah elok2 plan naik bus sendiri ke sana,bus pulak mahal bebenor.So,kami memilih jalan alternatif, naik public transport. Bijak kan. Alhamdulillah,everything went smooth. Kenangan di atas puncak takkan dilupakan sampai bile2, bersama2 dengan S-Club7 yang sentiasa ceria.^_^
Sedang stress2 nak exam boleh lagi pergi naik rollercoaster and jerit2 macam orang gile. Hahaha.Itu lah,akibatnyer,mase exam kepale dah pusing2 macam roller coaster memikirkan jawapan.>_<..
Bersama2 dengan mereka2 ni lah,suka duka kongsi sama2.
antara yang menjayakan Lasbella MGM2111.(antara yg confirm assigment dapat A)
Balik dari Genting,masing2 baru sibuk mencari nota2 untuk exam.and dah mula untuk study.baru la cari balik mane yang di spot2 oleh lecturer.Kelam kelibut semua. Haish.Macam2 ragam.^_^
First paper,Prinsip Pemprosesan dan Pengawetan Makanan,followed by Biochemistry,Physical and Inorganic Chemistry,Statistics and last Principles of Management. Macam2 idea tuk blog keluar mase time2 study tu,sekarang ni entah hilang ke mana.
Tamat nyer riwayat semester 2 kami pada 6 November 09,paper MGM2111.Pagi tu lagi sorang2 dah senyum2.Tak sabar menanti tamatnya jam 5,tamat nyer final untuk sem ni.
Masing2 otak dah ade di tempat lain (agak payah nak fokus mase nak jawab paper management tu,asyik fikir ape yang nk buat mase cuti..=p)
Right after last paper,i headed to college. Kemas kan ape2 yang patut.Load barang dalam kereta sikit2.Nak sumbat semua of course la tak muat.Kelisa je kowt. Kesian keretaku,diisi penuh dengan barang2.Maaf yar~. Balik tu,agak lapar.Singgah Mcd. Dah janji nak jumpe kawan kat Mcd.Makan2 + borak2 tak sedar mase dah berlalu (kenapa mase berlalu dengan pantas??). Harus pulang.
Setibanya dirumah,semua orang ade.Hari ni fullhouse.(Kecuali kak intan). Riuh rendah banglo dua tingkat ni. InsyaAllah,pertengahan bulan ni, bertambah lagi seorang warga Azimat.Kaklong bakal melahirkan anak ketiganya.Semoga selamat dilahirkan seadanya.Amin.Bertambah lagi riuh2 anak2 cucu2 mok ayoh.^_^.
Kenduri Abg Muzani.Everyone is present.
Well,sekarang ni tengah heavenly cuti.Selama 7 minggu.(lupe tarikh masuk balik bile,i estimated the holidays will be about 7 weeks).Nak maanfaat kan cuti ni.
How?itu yang harus difikirkan.antaranya:
-tolong mok.
-tutoring SPM for cb
-hantar and ambil adik2 sekolah
-habiskan buku Al-Quran Saintifik
,,,,etc..yang bakal ditambah kemudian.
Semoga hari2 yang ditempuhi, penuh bermakna.^_^.insyaAllah.
Posted by Ally M at 9:48 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 25, 2009
Assalamualaikum wbt.
Salam AidilFitri buat semua.Alhamdulillah, setelah sebulan berpuasa, syawal tiba. Kebiasaan bagi warga kota akan pulang beraya ke kampung halaman masing...(huhu,kenapa skima sgt nih.,mcm buat karangan SPM pulak..=p.)..
Days before raya,
Well,right after my second-last test which was Statistics, i lost the enthusiastic of learning and going for classes.I haven't finished my lab report which it was suppose to be submited that day.Likewise, the pre-lab also haven't complete. The seven of us, Hanisah,Emma,Nad,Uzai,Farid Harith and I,were so tired and giving up that evening. Incredibly tired and laziness overwhelmed us. Right after laboratory class that Thursday, I headed back home, take Eric and fetched Malyanah from komuter station and headed for others houses as well. Imagine six ladies in Eric (my kelisa..^_^),packed! We arrived at the Yus Restaurant just after the azan maghrib berkumandang. Ibtisam and Haida took controlled of ordering the lauk-pauk. After everyone done praying, we ate whilst gossiping around. It has been a long time since the last time we sat together like this. That night, I was kind of quiet,coz I missed everyone. I rather sat quietly, smiling and listened to their stories. I missed this sweetest moment which I wished I could stop the time. We ate every single thing ordered and didn't left any leftovers.haha,we spent our own sweet time there 'till azan isya' and it was time for solat tarawikh. There was no one else in the restaurant except for us and the waiters waiting for us to get lost,hahaha. We headed back, to Ib's house playing some bunga api and mercun. Haha,being 20 doesn't mean that u can't play some of those.^_^. Spending about almost half an hour playing bunga api and some mercun. The time envied us as, it was almost 10pm. I sent everyone else back and headed back home.
Pulang ke KT
Ayoh drove up till Karak. I took over the wheels and drove till Jabor.=).Driving is my fav! Alhamdulillah,we managed to break fast with everyone in Tok's house.WOW! sangat banyak juadah berbuka. And I ate to the fullest.=)
Di pagi raya
Alhamdulillah,pagi syawal kali ni,tak terkejar mane like years before.asyik bersiap lambat je. Tensen betol. So, ayoh brought us to one masjid that I haven't been before. One thing that bored me during solat raya is the khutbah. It will be the same phrase over and over again. Cube la buat ayat best2 sikit.haha.Well, no matter how lame the khutbah was, I did listen to the intisari of it.Balik dari masjid, I lead my foot to the dapor, aiming for foods that was served,cooked by Tok and aunties. Afterwards, I followed Tok, went to Tanah Perkuburan, residing Yaasin for arwah Tokki. Semoga roh Arwah sentiase diberi rahmat dan berkat Allah.Amin.AlFatihah. Back from T.Perkuburan, while everyone is idling on tok's veranda,Cb said to me "Kakya,rumah terbakar". I looked,and reply "Oh,yeah?" and blah just like that. A few minutes later, somebody shouted "Api,api., rumah tebakor weh".Yep.Cb wasn't lying. The house was actually on fire. Abg Muzani ran towards the house, grabbed a pipe near the house and tried to put out the fire. Ayoh suruh tengok2 kalau ade sape2 dalam rumah, especially kids. Nasib baik, takde orang di rumah.Seperti yang dijangka, api tu start dari dapur.and suddenly, kedeboomm..something exploded. Tong gas meletop.OMG. Aku hanya mampu melihat dari jauh.Api makin marak.Sampai naik menjulang sama tinggi dengan pokok2 di sebelah nya.I grabbed my phone, and dialled 999.(wow,this was actually my first time calling this three digits number.The operator picked up and I shouted panically,
me: ade rumah terbakar!!
operator: tenang cik,di mana tu?
me: kampung paya datu!!manir!!(whaatta!!)
operator: Paya datu di mana cik?
me: manir!!errkk,,gong badak!..
operator: di negeri mana ye cik?
me: terengganu,Kuala terengganu!
operator: ok cik,sape name cik?
me: siti alyani mat!!
operator: cik siti,nombor ni boleh dihubungi kan?jangan letak telefon ye,sebentar.
firemen: cik,duane umah tu?Manir cerok mane?
(I went,alamak..aku tak tahu alamat rumah,rupenyer operator ni baru sambung ke FireStation kat Tenganu.)
me: kejap2,saye cari orang yang tahu alamat rumah ni.
..and I past my phone to my aunt,telling the address.And the second explosion went from the house.
Oh My..this is going bad.pagi2 raya dah ade benda tragis. About 10-15minutes later, the fire engines finally arrived. 3 fire engines came from different path.Some of the firemen were still on their baju raya putting on their fire-proof garment. Setibanya mereka, api dah pun berjaya dipadamkan.but, has to be made by the firemen.and more importantly, for me, that I wasn't making any prank-call to the 999. hahaha.^_^.
After everything dah settle, and selamat, ayoh ajak beraya ke rumah Teh pule.Alhamdulillah. Semua kembali normal.Malam tu,ade bbq di rumah baru Cik Lela. Makan kenyang2!
We spent our raye right until Wednesday.Wednesday morning, we headed back to KL.I drove Mercedes sampai lah rumah.(mum said "cayalah alya,ley tahan bawa lama2).Erk,mase kat LPT tu,ade polis!!tengah buat speed trap.DEEMMM!!.Nasib baik mase tu tepat2 120.erkk,,which had maximum mase raye adelah 90 je!!!hahaha.huhu.Hope takde ape2 la kan.hihi..
Thats for now. Tinggal lagi sehari untuk berade di rumah.Esok harus pulang ke UPM.and ade test pulak tu.Chemistry...=(.All the best Alya.Fighting!
Posted by Ally M at 11:34 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 17, 2009
Hadapi Dengan Senyuman
oh MY Lord
"O my Dear Allah, make my love for You the most beloved thing to me, and my fear for You the most fearful thing to me, and remove from me all worldly needs and wants by instilling a passion for meeting You, and when You have given the people of the world the pleasures of their world, make the coolness of my eyes (pleasure) in worshipping You." Ameen~
Pejam celik pejam celik,dah habis 2 minggu.Cabaran semester 2 dlm Bac Sains & Teknologi Makanan memang sangat menggugat hati-jiwa-raga-perasaan. First day, kelas dah batal (normal la tu kan =p). Normal la jugek untuk class clash and penuh di mase2 awal semester ni. Before cuti sem, our “S Club 7” team dah decide kelas ape yg nk di ambil mase sem ni, just nk mintak bukak kuota untuk kelas biochem je.Then jadual da perfect! .Somehow, disebabkan kitorang ni S Club 7 jugek la golongan majoriti nak buat perubahan jadual kelas dengan fac. Haha.Mase tu, jadual dah hancus. Berat2. Nak cukup
Antara kelas2 yang aku ambik,kelas paling bes is Management. Hilang stress aku masuk kelas tu.Lecturer best gile! Tak ngantok! Sporting! Kalau la Phys Chem and Biochem ley dapat lecturer camtu! InsyaAllah 4flat nyer la. 1st class Pemprosesan duduk belakang, (datang lambat sbb salah kelas-MALU!) series tak dengar ape lecturer tu cakap.Pegang je mic tu, tapi jauh bebenor dari mulut..tah ape fungsi die pegang agaknyer. Next class berjaye jugek berebut duk depan, n kelas nye memang bes, I mean that course itself. Memang enjoy! Somehow, lab nyer pulak macam hell. Lecturer lain pulak.garang!OMG! Mase2 ni, teringat pulak lab Kejuruteraan Makanan last sem. Memang gempak and best gile bersame ngan group members! Enjoy giler! Haha.Miss the good ol’days~~.Lab Phys Chem pon same jugek! Gile garang n skime lab demo nyer. And apparatus dalam lab tu memang sangat menyedihkan. Kesian aku tgk. Rindu pulak kat lab Chem mase kat Asper. Lab yang serba lengkap! Ni tisu pun tarak~apekah? Kat Asper dulu segulung besar kot tisu nyer. Demo suruh bawah sendiri.** Kain buruk pun takdek** Memang sedih..(*_*’). Paling tak best, kalau dah siap awal, tak ley balik awal>_<.Geram! Takde la. Kesian kat Junior tu je, die ade kelas lain pulak pasni, celah mane plak die nak makan n solat nyer. Inconsiderate~!huh. Statistik? Ok je so far. Cume ingat2 lupe ape yg dah belajar mase Asasi dulu. Refer balik note asasi. Memang sangat amat bergune! Thanx AsPer!!Luv ’em! Last subjek.Biochem??OMG,my lecturer is pure Bangladeshi!! It took quite some few seconds to digest what he said. Selalu ternganga mase kelas die.Haha. Anyway,he’s examples and analogies are excellent! Sangat paham!
Sem baru ni, ingat nak mencari pengalaman manage event2 penting. So, join la AJK Foodfair bawah Logistic department, bawah Saudara Abg Ece..(hahah.=p). setakat ni kerje tak banyak pon,kene wat multimedia show untuk hari kejadian. Tapi rasenyer kredits more to Uzai, die yang buat. Aku ni liaison je.hukhuk. Rase bersalah pon ade jugek, sebab die yang buat sorang..sbb,,saye tak reti wat. Sedih3. Harus belajar nih. By the way, check out
Cerita2 di upm berlapik pula dengan di rumah. Sibuk juge sedang kemas2 barang and hias2 rumah.Packing doorgift. Edar kad jemputan. Hantaran aku almost siap!and sangat berpuas hati dengan hasil kerja2.(^_^).19 Julai dah tak lame.Abg muzani akan membina masjid.Ha~family members akan bertambah. Welcome2!!25 Julai jugek akan menjelma.Jemput hadir ye semua. Semoge Abg Muzani n Kak Niza bersama bahagia sehingga ke akhir hayat.Amin~
Posted by Ally M at 6:04 AM 0 comments
Labels: 19July, G304, with hanisah
Bila Hati...
Salam to all.
Tinggal berapa hari je untuk cuti semester kali ni habis.Entah.Perasaan tidak dapat didefinasikan dengan tepat, sama ada happy/sedih/enthusiastic/malas/boring/takot.Pilih lah yang mana berkenan di hati, kerana yg pasti akn ku garis kesemuanya.haha.Cuti sem kali ni,ternyata di sia2
Hari2 terakhir dirumah tetiba ade byk sgt kerje nyer.Macam2. pergi sane,pergi situ,siapkan hantaran abg muzani.hantar kad kahwin,(eh,eh,mcm aku je yg kawen,hahaha;p)amek adik2.etc. Sedar tak sedar, dah pun sabtu.4july. Hari ini, mungkin salah satu har yg agak aku tunggu2 kan.utk berjumpe kawan2 sekolah semua di majlis penuh gemilang ; Majlis perkahwinan hazirah & halim. Hazirah aka Azie, kwn aku mase kat sekolah menengah (lower form), kelas Harmoni dari form 1.lame menghilang after pmr, tahu2 dah dapat kad jemputan nak kawen.~~terkejot >_<~~yep2.Die adelah kawan aku yg 1st mendirikan umah tangge.well,kawan sesame sekola n same batch 1989. Advance.haha.ape2 pon,aku doakan hazirah dan suami bahagia sehingga ke akhir hayat bersama. Hari sabtu jugek la hari aku tgk Tranformers 2.demmm!!bes giler!haha. Tengok 10 kali tak puas lagi kot.hahaha.Mase tu cam agak bangge sebab dapat tengok cerita yg direbut-rebutkan orang ramai.hahaha.Well,sekarang sudah pasti ramai yg dah pergi. Haha.Somehow,ade la certain part dalam T2,wat aku rase hiba.(aceeh >_<). Bercampur aduk perasaan mase tu.Lagi2 teringat yg esoknyer tu dah nak kene balik UPM.aaiiseh, kacau betol. Balik dr movie, headed to Kaklong’s for BBQ.Memang sangat penat aritu.
Ahad nyer berlansung~pack2 barang dalam kereta.dan drive ke UPM dengan perasaan yg MALAS-SEDIH-BORING-TAKUT-HAPPY….perasaan apekah ini???(=_=”)
Posted by Ally M at 4:23 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Minda mencoret...
oh MY Lord"O my Dear Allah, make my love for You the most beloved thing to me, and my fear for You the most fearful thing to me, and remove from me all worldly needs and wants by instilling a passion for meeting You, and when You have given the people of the world the pleasures of their world, make the coolness of my eyes (pleasure) in worshipping You." Ameen~
20 June 2009
Selalu nyer bile naik kereta, I’d be the driver. Sepanjang cuti ni, aku la yg pergi hantar and ambik adik2 sekolah,drive mum to pasar, hantar adik tuisyen, grocery shopping,etc. I get used to the driver seat n being able to control the motion of the car.But today, I sat at the pasengger seat. Ya Allah, pening yang amat,hanya Allah yang tahu. Mase masuk pintu kereta Abg Zidni dah loya2 pening. Bertambah kepeningan bile the whole peeps in the car berborak/berbincang sepanjang jalan sampai Ampang. Perjalanan pulang ke kampung ptg ni dengan kereta kawan ayoh, Dr Abdullah. Ayoh’s best pal in UDM. Anything that related to UDM, they’d consult each others opinion. Selalunya, ayoh n Dr Abdullah bergilir2 kereta balik KL during weekend. Economically saved and boleh teman memandu,takde lah mengantok mane. Rendezvous di Petronas di Ampang bout 5.30 pm. Dr Abdullah bawa anak lelaki dia juge. (ok,fine.teman ayah masing2, fathers day pon da dekat,hihi).
Ok. Perjalanan yg lagi bertambah pening when they talked along the way to Terengganu. Mase dekat highway around KL-Gombak-Karak aku tidur. Pening yg dasyat. Rase nk terkeluar isi perut pon ade,,tapi terpakse tahan since Uncle Abdullah yg drive. Bau tinggalan durian yg Uncle beli last week lagi memuak+mual kan tekak aku. Aku tutup mate, pura2 tidur. Ade sekali tu,ayoh ade cerita pasal pensyarah die, so he tried to recall the age of his lecturer, by calculating the year his lecturer got his pHd. At the same time, aku pon turut mengira dalam hati. Bile ayoh lambat beri jawapan, aku mencelah. Haha. Ayoh laughed. Tidur pon boleh mengira jugek. Hihi. Sorry, I couldn’t help my mind~it was an automatically response.(^_^). But, the dizziness keeps hunting me. Masuk LPT, dozed off. Alhamdulillah, memang tak sedar ape2. Then, berhenti makan and solat maghrib dekat Gambang. Dari situ sampai Terengganu, takley tidur. Ade sekali, dalam perjalanan, ade roadblock. Aku sempat tarik sikit seat belt sangkut kat bahu and then buat2 tidur dengan tudung tutup tangan yg tgh peluk tubuh(aku mmg hebat berlakon depan polis.hihi) Tapi ayoh punye seat sangat obvious. That policeman tanye,kenape tak pakai seat belt. I still remembered his phrases..
“Kenape ni tak pakai seat belt?kan kereta baru. Sakit ke? Encik tahu tak encik bersalah sebab tak pakai seat belt belakang?”
Mase dia cakap camtu. Aku yg tgh pura2 tidur ni terbangun, tengok die yang konon2 tgh suluh aku n later I pretended dozed off again..and he went..
And then Uncle pon jalan lah.hahaha. As if like nothing happened. See how teribble Police in Malaysia is. Saman je la teros. Yeah, I don’t mind being fine since memang salah kite. Tapi they themselves tak strict dalam menjalankan tugas and amanah negara, macam mane la Malaysia tak corrupt. Ni baru kes seat belt tak pakai. Ape entah lagi kes2 lain.Well, I hope not that police officer who makes the government goes worst.
Arrived about 10.45pm, and uncle headed to a restaurant named Aslan Restaurant, I think it’s the place where they usually stopped by, at least I think so. The name of the restaurant reminds me of one story : The Chronicles of Narnia, where there is one enormous and humongous lion named Aslan ; Same size with the guy who sat in the cashier side ( I think he’s the owner of the restaurant). Well at least I thought he was big compared to other staff that worked there. That time was exactly 11 at night, and there were so many customers enjoying their food. What wondered me was that they were wearing simply similar clothes, including the cashier! Most of them were in Jubah with serban on their top, some with kain pelekat n baju melayu, whilst the ladies were in baju kurung. And what were they doing at this kind of time? Well,back in home at that particular time, mum da suro masuk tido since esok nak sekolah. Ya’ah, tomorrow ahad, hari bekerja di Terengganu, so kenape mereka2 tak berada di rumah berehat menanti kerje esok nye?…kalau aku, dah lame selamat atas katil dekat rumah tu..hahaha. Sampai rumah Teh(aunty) about 12. sempat lagi aku cekup 2-3 cucuk sate kajang yg ayoh bawa balik dr Bangi. Then tidur.
21 Jun 2009
Bangun pagi tadi, memang amatlah indah..sebab terbangun dengar azan subuh menusuk ke telinga ; bukanlah ringtone alarm yg aku pasang dekat phone. Selesai solat subuh, baru aku mandi. Sementara tunggu ayoh bersiap, aku tidur2 ayam kejap. Ayoh dah siap tu, pergi la rumah tok. Sini la selalu tempat aku ditinggalkan bile ayoh pergi kerje(aceh,macam sedih je ayatnye,hihi). Tetiba aku teringat, anak2 sedare aku selalu juge kene tinggal macam ni bile parents diorang pergi kerje (certain days), sian mummy,=(,..kalau budak2 tak buat sepah boleh la tahan juge, ape2hal mok jugek yg kene kemas. Nak kene budak2 kecik ni.hahaha. nasib la aku tak wat sepah or tak susah kan tok kat sini (doh beso da aku ni). About zohor tu, kaklong mari. Terkejot kaklong jumpe alya kat sini. Macam la dekat Bangi tak ley jumpe. Kaklong datang dengan durian satu plastik. Aku pon join, and akhirnya, aku pening lagi. Sekarang tengah melayan FB and blog tuk reduce the pain.haha.Perhaps esok balik. InsyaAllah pagi.dan harapnyer tak pening lagi.Ameen~.
Posted by Ally M at 2:01 AM 1 comments
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Ya Allah
By the passing of the night and the coming of the day light, this is the humble voice, performs hopes and prayers as your servants.
Ya Allah, the most Gracious and the most Mercifull
Please forgive us for all our sins, make easy for our tongues to engage in remembering and altering of your beautiful name and our given hearts to offer our thankfullness of your plentifull blessings of helps and strenghts to our bodies and souls to carry out our duties to obey Your commands succesfully
Ya Allah,
Please open us Ad-din, the right and the perfect way of life. Save us from your roughs and calamities through our lifes till death.
Today, I went hang out with my greatest and loving best girl friends ever!! We went bowl in Alamanda. This time, Nadia was around since she was just finished taking her final exam, (she’s in Nursing course). Everyone was there except for Malyanah, Ibtisam n Nedah. Well, Mal n Ib got classes on that day (darned short sem,hahaha) while nedah has lost in action ; she didn’t reply my messages. We rendezvous at Nadia’s house, since Nadia fetched others to her house first, later I drove them to Alamanda. Though, these girls actually have their own driving licence, but I guess they are afraid to drive one.It always me who take on the wheel .well girls, bile lagi korang drive? Takkan asyik aku je nk jadi driver korang, bile korang nak bawa aku lak?? So, about 1.20 pm we arrived. The parking lot was empty (this is why i love hanging out during weekdays) which an ease for me to park anywhere I want. First place we head up was the Burger King. Yep3 hungry we were! Oh, but before that, we performed zohor prayer first then digging the delicacies. Frankly, I personally prefer McD than BK, though their burgers are in king size, but it’s taste doesn’t fit the buds. Tapi sebab makan dengan kwn2, sumer jadi best! Mase makan, posing adelah subjek utama. Haha, once camera begins to snap, we couldn’t stop making funny and hilarious faces in front of the lense. Memang riuh satu BK. We were pretty sure everyone else around got annoyed with our ‘happy-hour’, but we didn’t really care about what others were thinking- “ee,bisingnyer budak2 ni”-“ish3, budak2 pempuan ni”-“kedai ni diorang yang punye ke”…hahaha,.lantak korang la.janji kitorang yang bahagia. Afterwards, kaki kitorang berjalan menuju ke tempat bowl. Hoho, naseb baik tak ramai orang juge. Kitorang dapat lane yg 5-6, memule mintak hujung, tapi org tu kate tuk budak2 praktis bowl. Ok-fine. So,kitorang pon main ley dengan riuh nyer, again conquer kebisingan bowl alamanda nih. Kitorang je yg gelak2, jerit2 sbb strike.hahaha.n then, mase tengah2 kepoh tu, ade la sorang budak pempuan, about 11-13 years old kot (xde la plak aku pergi tnyer umur budak tuh =P) die main kat sebelah lane kitorang and she’s like wakil negara kot. Every time she threw, she strikes them all. Dasyat seyh minah nih. N kitorang pun macam malu la jugek,sebab asyik masuk longkang je. Afiqah went “dik,nak berguru ley?”…~naah~kidding.but we were amazed by her excellent skill in rolling the ball. N again,group haida menang lagi. Ala,differ in one point only la,,whats the biggie…LOL~ farah la paling tinggi markah mesti praktis kat umah nih.hoho. We played two games since mmg tujuan datang sini tuk main bowl semate-mate. After two games, tangan kitorang cam da sakit2.hahaha. then, nadia went for grocery shop with afiqah,haida plak pergi KFC for homies. N we went home sharp at 4.30pm sebab duk kejar masa, mak nadia nak balik rumah takde kunci.hahah,lawak pon ade.Kat umah nad, kitorang solat asar. Tah dari mana aku dapat idea nak berjalan lagi, tak puas weehh,,main bowling kejap gile, makan kejap gil~salu kitorang makan n lepak2 kt kedai makan about almost 3hours.haha,memang kedai tu kitorang yang punye. So, kitorang pon pergi la Tasek Chempaka. Nadia tak ikot~Ingat nk jalan2 beli aiskrim, orang jual aiskrim pergi jual tempat lain pulak by the time kitorang sampai-hampes punye pakcik aiskrem. Haida got her fantastic idea. Bergambar. Wawawawawa. That’s our specialty though. So, my 2.0megapix was hired. Owh, farah’s as well. Kt TC bergambar sakan as if we’ve never been to TC before.haha. the weather that day was very2 B-E-Atiful I tell ya’. All pictures were gorgeous and cute plus the photogenic-ness of us.OMG, those pictures memang mengalahkan american’s next top model.kah3. if only everyone’s here, that would be PERFECT!!
we heading back home about 7pm.haaa,,da lame tak gelak n senyum macam hari nih.N hanye kawan2 ni yang mampu buat aku tergelak n tersenyum cam orang gile.hahaha.Sayang yang amat kepada mereka!!n FYI, these girls are my friends since we were in standard one back in primary school!!NO one could ever replace their marvelous existence in my life!!
Posted by Ally M at 8:10 PM 0 comments

26 April 2009-28 april 2009
Kem Jalinan Hati (KEJati),Gunung Angsi, Negeri Sembilan.
With the name of Allah,the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful.
26Apr. That morning agak berat nk gerak dari rumah, sbb letih yang hari2 lepas tak habis lagi(angkut barang dari kolej,kemas rumah,basuh kereta abg). Sampai kat KMR tu,kawan2 lain punya beg kecik2 je.haha,mine is slightly bigger than them.huhu(biasalah,perempuan..^_^). n FYI majority budak Asper semua nya, sorg je budak KejoT which is Tom (i dunno whats his real name)..but he is Amalina’s classmate. pusing2 pun kwn2 kite jugek.n like usual sisters conquer the majority compared to brothers.haha. Bertolak dari UPM pukul 9.30am,one hour late. Never mind, sampai sane about 11am kot.(tah la, aku cam mamai2 baru bangun tidur,,^_^)haha. So,together we packed in our stuff to the gazebo in that camp.(gazebo is the place where u do the cooking and eating). Afterwards, we set up our tents at the camp site. Penempatan dan kedudukan tent lelaki dan perempuan adalah sgt penting di sini kerana, lelaki dan perempuan adalah berbeda….(menurut abg fuad).hahaha. Pastu masak,makan n solat zohor. Ade la sesi ice breaking conducted by Tikah. After Asar, sisters were allowed to mandi manda di sungai meanwhile the brothers handle the dinner. Malam tu ade LDk n dibenarkan tidur awal, sebab tomorrow morning ade qiam.
Posted by Ally M at 11:05 AM 1 comments
Labels: atas gunung
hAppens really Fast, last Forever
With the name of Allah,The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful…
Peace upon u~to all..
Yep. It has been along pause since the last blog. I thought I had myself cease from blogging. Nope. Its was the ‘time’ that always envied my keen and eagerness in expressing my thought and ideas. It is the semester break already. Everything happens really fast: registering courses, adaptation, test one,,test two, laboratory practicals every week, reports, assignments and final exams. Despite that all of these making me tired, however they gave me lots of experiences and indeed thought me on how to manage my “kesabaran dan ketabahan”. Jida always tells me that I am such a lucky person to be tested with His ujian-ujian which then made me went gobsmacked…\(^_^)/..i am such a lucky person!!..huhu..
feel so good to be back home!!Home sweeett homeee!!!my home is my heaven!! hurm,,still..1st semester in undergraduate period was really tough(ya right alya, baru first sem,tough konon..hahaha).By the way, my course is said to be one of the tough course among others..(erkk,,yeker?…im dead meat!)..
haha..among fellows of fostech, there are only 8 malay guys n 1 indian guy and the rest are dominated by chinese whilst among ladies, slightly balance between malays n non. Well whatever it is, it was a sweet memories. Though there were days that we went through were quite stressful and strain but we had fun \(^_^)/.the bonding of friends could never be compared to other stuff o change with money. abg muzani was right, life in college cannot be compared to life in school. yep3. It’s different. haha. hurm,for exam result…erkk,i think its better for me to not-to think bout it first. (cuz i know i didnt do so-well in previous tests…haha) let us enjoy our long term hhhhhoooooooooooooooolidaaaaaaaaay first!!
happy holidays my friends!
Posted by Ally M at 11:02 AM 0 comments
Labels: food engineering's test
Assalamualaikum wbt.
salam aidilfitri.maaf zahir batin
10 October 2008. 8.52am
It has been a long time since the last blog I wrote. Well,this 3rd sem has really keeping me busy with assignments ,presentations and examinations . However, I was really having fun with all the Asperian, up until now. The 3rd sem will end sooner or later and to think about that, I got nothing in my head-imagining about how’s life in the first year, how’s life without friends in Asper. One and a half year has given me a lot of sweet memories. In one and a half year, I have learned so many new things whether it‘s from lecturers or friends (usually from friends of course=P). One and a half year seem to pass really slowly ~ as I enjoyed every each of the second in Asasi. It’s really mean a lot to me, way meaningful than I had back in Seseri. (hahaha). So, i guess everyone in asasi has pass up their degree form yesterday. Everyone will go in different direction later on.Well,guys, have fun in gaining knowledge in your 1st year. Keep up the good work!Aja2 fighting!!!
Anyway, talking about schools- I’ve watched this one Japanese drama entitled “my boss my hero”. It was REALLY-SERIOUSLY the best Japanese drama. It was tacky and damn hilarious!!~ there was parts that I laughed a lot (sampai kat luar bilik pun boleh dengar,,hahahaha)-funny lol and some parts that really touching my heart..burst to tears some more~hukhuk. And I learned something for this story~ friends give a lot of impact in one’s life. Sad, happiness, excitement, confusing, feeling down, loathing…etc. Friend is the 2ndimportant person after family. Thanks a trillion to people who enroll as friends to me.
Huhu. Lets watch this drama over and over again.
The series is mainly about a 27 year old man named Makio Sakaki. His purpose is to become a successor after his father. However, he must pass high school first in order to prove himself worthy in the family for if he fails, his younger brother will take over, instead of him. Through the school years, he faces many obstacles such as righteousness, friendship, and perhaps even love.
Posted by Ally M at 10:59 AM 0 comments
Labels: AsPer Gen3
3rd sem in Asper
oh MY Lord“O my Dear Allah, make my love for You the most beloved thing to me, and my fear for You the most fearful thing to me, and remove from me all worldly needs and wants by instilling a passion for meeting You, and when You have given the people of the world the pleasures of their world, make the coolness of my eyes (pleasure) in worshipping You.” Ameen~
To one of my father’s friend : Dr Abdullah in UDM as well….please take a VERY GOOD CARE of my FATHER. I love him more than i love myself!.
MOM and DAD, i love both of you very much.even words could not describe how much i love both of you.
Posted by Ally M at 10:56 AM 0 comments
something to erase
19th July 2008
“Kenapa aku mendapat ujian seberat ini??”“Allah tidak membebani seseorang itu melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannnya”-al-Baqarah:286
I was watching some Korean dramas in the middle of the night. While waiting for the video to buffering, my mind came across about something-if there was anything on youtube about my school-seseri. and so, I typed on the search- “seseri”. and surprisingly, there were a lot of them.One of them was made by my ex-batch mate. She was in the top-ranking class though. Its easy to say that she was excellent in everything, including sports and extra curriculum. The other videos were majority from the juniors, appreciating their life in Seseri as well.Well, I was wondering, why didn’t I have those feeling?-the feeling of fondness towards the school. To be honest, my school time, especially during the upper form in Seseri, I wasn’t really having a good-sweet time there. It was one of the worst memories I have ever had. And indirectly affected my study and my spm result. That’s why I had some regret ness about deciding to continue my study in Seseri one time ago, while I left my favourite school in Bangi. If only time can be turned back to the past. But it wont.Anyhow, I must not think this way towards the school. But I cant help it.Now that I already entering the college I felt relief that my school time is over. While most of the people say that their ‘school-hood’ were the greatest time ever-and I did not. I am so happy that I feel so ease-and-happy during college time. Yeay! I am grateful for what I have today.I went to bed afterward because it was 2 in the morning. It was kind of funny to say that I even had a dream about my school. In the dream, everything was turn out to be different from the reality. Well, I guess that’s why it has been called ‘dream’.
Ha~ having a laptop in the room its quite convenient, although the internet streaming is slightly slow sometimes because almost each of the room in the house having laptop. Haha. Sometimes we even named it as cyber cafĂ©.“Sesungguhnya manusia yang merancang, Allah yang menentukan”…
Posted by Ally M at 10:55 AM 0 comments
Daddy,daddy,miss u a lot...
“Kepada siapa aku mengharap??”….“Cukuplah Allah bagiku, tidak ada Tuhan selain dariNya.Hanya kepada Nya aku bertawakkal”.-at-taubat:129
Assalamualaikum wbt to all…
Daddy asked about the KPM 1k scholar and my healthiness. My voice was kind of “serak” due to coughing a lot. And indirectly it has covered my feelings which I was this close to burst to some tears. Daddy is coming back on Thursday before the ‘Majlis Aqiqah Afiefa’ started. Prayed for his safe journey. Amin
9 July 08.9.30pm.It was the 3rd day, and Alhamdullillah everything has been doing good. I had a nice day and did concentrate in the classes. except for math!! I could not understand what he’s trying to explain. I could not even stop staring at his shining head. Huhu, I begin to worry about the classes ahead. Ya Allah,, please help me understand him so that I could understand math!
Posted by Ally M at 10:49 AM 0 comments
Labels: daddy in white t's
English class
19th July 2008
“Rasa frust??”“Janganlah kamu bersikap lemah dan janganlah kamu bersedih hati padahal kamulah orang-orang yang paling tinggi darjatnya, jika kamu orang-orang yang beriman..”-al-Imran:139
Assalamualaikum.wbt to all..
NERD???? Swot??? Approachable..
On the first day of the third semester, there was an English class at the end of the day. On my way to the class. I found out that Miss Hasliza will not be our English lecturer any longer. I expected a new lecturer then.When I entered the lecture hall, she was already inside waiting for us. Since it was her first day with us, we started the class with some ice breaking. During the introduction she wanted to know what is a characteristic or special trade of ourselves, so that she could easily remember each of us.Well, it was hard to decide what I am. My friend, Jida told me to say about my addiction to Korean dramas. That is so true. I really- really love watching Korean dramas. Instead of saying those, I bluff out saying that I’m a NERD!!What makes me said that? Why would I said that? I didn’t know myself either. But one thing that I’m sure was that I really-truly regret for saying those. I was actually mixing up the word “nerd” and “swot”. I was supposed to say that I’m a swot. Not nerd. I’m pretty sure that all my classmates must have laughing at me. I don’t look like I’m a nerd-at all. Indeed I admit it. I’m more to a happy-go-lucky person. Haha. How I wish I could turn the time back.Swot = a person who study very hard, especially preparing for examination. They study extremely hard and not interested in other things.
Days go by but I still had my mind on the day that I admit that I am a nerd. It was really hilarious though. One day I run through a dictionary and saw a word “approachable”.Yes! That’s it! I am that! Yeay, finally I found the right one (maybe at the moment)
Posted by Ally M at 10:47 AM 0 comments
Weekend..having rest
20 July 2008
“Bagaimana harus aku menghadapinya???”“Wahai orang-orang yang beriman!bersabarlah kamu ( menghadapi segala kesukaran dalam mengerjakan perkara-perkara yang berkebajikan ), dan kuatkanlah kesabaran kamu lebih daripada kesabaran musuh di medan perjuangan ,dan bersedialah ( dengan kekuatan pertahanan di daerah-daerah sempadan ) serta bertaqwalah kamu kepada Allah supaya kamu berjaya ( mencapai kemenangan )- al-imran : 200
“Dan mintalah pertolongan ( kepada Allah ) dengan jalan yang sabar dan mengerjakan sembahyang ; dan sesungguhnya sembahyang itu amatlah berat kecuali kepada orang-orang yang khusyuk” - al-Baqarah : 45
Assalamualaikum..wbt to all.It’s already two weeks since the 3rd semester started.and like always I will go home during the weekend (because there’s no place like home…^_^,and my home is my heaven,huhu). I managed to ask daddy some “chemical problems”.He’s the best chemistry teacher ever~and i hope his students in UDM think so as well. In Asper,my chemist lecturer,Puan Syah happened to be my daddy’s ex-student while he was still in ukm.So,i guess their way of thinking about chemist is basically the same.haha.Puan Syah is very cute though. She always making jokes in her class so that we won’t feel boring and sleepy~ and her test/exam’s questions are very tough.Well,like my dad always say, chemist is very difficult.and he discourage me to learn any chemist courses during my first year.(but i wonder why my dad had taken those?he’s a chemist lecturer though he is discouraging me..i think a genius like him could only take chem as his major..)While I was ‘lepak2′ in his room,(we kindda discuss about my plan for first year), adek suddenly came in and join us.He was the youngest in the family and he’s 8.and the topic change to adek’s future.Daddy is worry about him.He said that adek is slightly differ from the rest of us.I asked why and he claimed that adek is the pampered-youngest one.He can’t stand on his own without mum and dad. but now mum and dad are getting lots of grey hair and don’t know what will happen soon. I came to ponder for what dad has said.he’s right. Indeed,adek is someone that i need to care in the future.He’s different from us.yep3..insyaAllah i’ll take a very good care of him in the future..
Posted by Ally M at 10:45 AM 0 comments
Sweet 19
salam..well,,i juz celebrating my 19th birthday a few days ago..eventhough it wasnt dat ‘grand’,but i was really excited,happy,and grateful..on saturday evening,evryone was around,,well..excluded abglong,cos he’s in UK..n abg muzani.he’s workinganyway.,dad,mum and me together cutting down the slices..(it wasnt really our ‘way’ to do that,,but sis insist me,,hehe) people wished me..even the person dat i nver tot guing to do so,,countless..haha..thanks to evryone who did so,,i love u all..hehe
owhh.speaking of loved one,,dad n mum..they gave me a car!!!!wow!!!this is the coolest besday present ever~~~..*erkk,,the car isnt here yet..but,the thing is they decided to let me have drive in campus..yeay!!!bestnyer!!!i love them very much!!!
mum,dad..tq very much!
Posted by Ally M at 10:34 AM 0 comments
Ayahanda dan Bonda
Assalamulaikum wbt.
Demikianlah,kasih seorang bapa yang tegar dan bersinar.Namun,tidak juga lengkap tanpa pasangnya..Bonda,dikaulah ratu hatiku.
Bonda,9 bulan kudibawa mengikutimu kemana jua bonda melangkah walau di kutub utara mahu pun puncak everest,anakmu ini sentiasa berada dalam kantungmu.Selama 9 bulan kita tidak dipisahkan.Seksanya dirimu menanggung selama itu dengan deria yang lara,cabaran dan dugaan yang datang menyapa,namun diriku dalam dirimu,masih dijaga dan dipelihara.Dunia..tidaklah seburuk mana,namun tidak juga seindah kata.Dunia hanyalah pelabuhan,persinggahan buat kita hamba Allah,untuk mengumpul amalan buat hari Qiamat kelak.Satu hari,hambu-Mu ini pasti akan kembali jua.Sepanjang hidupku ini,aku dijaga dengan penuh kasih dikau curahkan,seperti menatang minyak yang penuh.Bonda,ucapan jutaan terima kasih daku hulurkan padamu kerana melahirkan daku.Dikaulah insan pertama yang aku kenali..mangajar dan mendidikku adalah tugasmu yang dikau ikhtiarkan dengan penuh keikhlasan.Dari kecil hingga kini,dikau menabur ilmu padaku erti kasih,sayang dan cinta kepada-Nya Yang Esa.Bonda,pahit manis kehidupan telah dikau rasai,namun dirimu tidak pernah jemu.Dikau hadiahkan aku sebuah kebahagiaan sehingga kau lontar semua derita.Jauh di sudut hatimu,kuntum senyuman manismu,tak lekang diukir dibibirmu kerana dirimu tahu anaklah penyeri kehidupan.Bonda,kupohonkan restu darimu,agar hidupku ini diberkati-Nya selalu,kerana diriku tahu dan terang-terangan termaktub dalam kitab suci Al-Quran,sesungguhnya syurga itu di bawah tapak kakimu. Ternyata,betapa tingginya darjatmu di sisi Allah.Bonda,maafkan anakmu ini.Kucupanmu menggegarkan fuadku.Harum wangian salammu untukku agar diri ini berjaya kelak.Bonda,tabahnya dirimu mangharungi dunia ini,setabah hati fatimah Azzahara.Ya Allah,Kau tabahkanlah hatiku ini,sebagaimana Kau tabahkan hati ibuku.Kau kasihanlah ibuku,sebagaimana ibuku mengasihaniku sejak aku kecil lagi.Bonda,dikaulah juga penawar apabilaku terlupa dan kaulah permata yang berharga bagi diriku.Kaulah ratu hatiku.Tiada bandingan di antara wanita-wanita lain di dunia ini.Dikaulah segalanya bagiku,membuatkan cintaku padamu sentiasa kukuh dan terpatri di hatiku kerana tiada cinta lain sesuci cinta seorang ibu kepada anaknya.Melalui warkah usang ini,ingin aku titipkan dengan permintaan sejuta kemaafan buatku,kerana sering menyakiti hatimu tanpa aku sedari.Maafkan anakmu ini,kerana lidah ini sering tergigit..mintaku berlebihan dan rajukku berpanjangan.Namun,hakikatnya sekali hatimu terguris,sejuta kali hati ini terhimpit.Dan di saat itu juga aku kembali memuhasabahkan diriku.Aku lalai.Aku lupa.Aku jahil.Ah,betapa lemah dan goyahnya imanku.Ya Allah,bantunilah hamba-Mu ini.Bonda tidak pernah jemu dalam mendidik kesemua anak-anakmu ini,seperti ayahanda juga,dirimu masih kudrat mengukir senyuman.Dirimu yang sentiasa memberi makan,minum dan pakai kami anak-anakmu.. tidak pernah dikau abaikan.Perpisahanku denganmu sehari bagiku ianya bagaikan setahun.Walau sehari tidak melihat wajah tabahmu itu,aku bagaikan kehilangan tanpa arah.Dorongan dan nasihatmu itu pengukuh dan penyokong aku,untuk aku terus bangun walau telah beberapa kali aku jatuh kecundang.Terima kasih bonda..buat semuanya yang telah dikau curahkan.Janjiku,..akan aku sentiasa mendoakan dirimu dan ayahanda agar selalu dirahmati dengan keberkatan Ilahi,dipanjangkan umur serta dimurahkan rezeki.InsyaAllah,akanku balas jasa ayahanda dan bonda yang yercinta.
Posted by Ally M at 10:16 AM 0 comments