Assalamualaikum wbt.
Salam AidilFitri buat semua.Alhamdulillah, setelah sebulan berpuasa, syawal tiba. Kebiasaan bagi warga kota akan pulang beraya ke kampung halaman masing...(huhu,kenapa skima sgt nih.,mcm buat karangan SPM pulak..=p.)..
Days before raya,
Well,right after my second-last test which was Statistics, i lost the enthusiastic of learning and going for classes.I haven't finished my lab report which it was suppose to be submited that day.Likewise, the pre-lab also haven't complete. The seven of us, Hanisah,Emma,Nad,Uzai,Farid Harith and I,were so tired and giving up that evening. Incredibly tired and laziness overwhelmed us. Right after laboratory class that Thursday, I headed back home, take Eric and fetched Malyanah from komuter station and headed for others houses as well. Imagine six ladies in Eric (my kelisa..^_^),packed! We arrived at the Yus Restaurant just after the azan maghrib berkumandang. Ibtisam and Haida took controlled of ordering the lauk-pauk. After everyone done praying, we ate whilst gossiping around. It has been a long time since the last time we sat together like this. That night, I was kind of quiet,coz I missed everyone. I rather sat quietly, smiling and listened to their stories. I missed this sweetest moment which I wished I could stop the time. We ate every single thing ordered and didn't left any leftovers.haha,we spent our own sweet time there 'till azan isya' and it was time for solat tarawikh. There was no one else in the restaurant except for us and the waiters waiting for us to get lost,hahaha. We headed back, to Ib's house playing some bunga api and mercun. Haha,being 20 doesn't mean that u can't play some of those.^_^. Spending about almost half an hour playing bunga api and some mercun. The time envied us as, it was almost 10pm. I sent everyone else back and headed back home.
Pulang ke KT
Ayoh drove up till Karak. I took over the wheels and drove till Jabor.=).Driving is my fav! Alhamdulillah,we managed to break fast with everyone in Tok's house.WOW! sangat banyak juadah berbuka. And I ate to the fullest.=)
Di pagi raya
Alhamdulillah,pagi syawal kali ni,tak terkejar mane like years before.asyik bersiap lambat je. Tensen betol. So, ayoh brought us to one masjid that I haven't been before. One thing that bored me during solat raya is the khutbah. It will be the same phrase over and over again. Cube la buat ayat best2 sikit.haha.Well, no matter how lame the khutbah was, I did listen to the intisari of it.Balik dari masjid, I lead my foot to the dapor, aiming for foods that was served,cooked by Tok and aunties. Afterwards, I followed Tok, went to Tanah Perkuburan, residing Yaasin for arwah Tokki. Semoga roh Arwah sentiase diberi rahmat dan berkat Allah.Amin.AlFatihah. Back from T.Perkuburan, while everyone is idling on tok's veranda,Cb said to me "Kakya,rumah terbakar". I looked,and reply "Oh,yeah?" and blah just like that. A few minutes later, somebody shouted "Api,api., rumah tebakor weh".Yep.Cb wasn't lying. The house was actually on fire. Abg Muzani ran towards the house, grabbed a pipe near the house and tried to put out the fire. Ayoh suruh tengok2 kalau ade sape2 dalam rumah, especially kids. Nasib baik, takde orang di rumah.Seperti yang dijangka, api tu start dari dapur.and suddenly, kedeboomm..something exploded. Tong gas meletop.OMG. Aku hanya mampu melihat dari jauh.Api makin marak.Sampai naik menjulang sama tinggi dengan pokok2 di sebelah nya.I grabbed my phone, and dialled 999.(wow,this was actually my first time calling this three digits number.The operator picked up and I shouted panically,
me: ade rumah terbakar!!
operator: tenang cik,di mana tu?
me: kampung paya datu!!manir!!(whaatta!!)
operator: Paya datu di mana cik?
me: manir!!errkk,,gong badak!..
operator: di negeri mana ye cik?
me: terengganu,Kuala terengganu!
operator: ok cik,sape name cik?
me: siti alyani mat!!
operator: cik siti,nombor ni boleh dihubungi kan?jangan letak telefon ye,sebentar.
firemen: cik,duane umah tu?Manir cerok mane?
(I went,alamak..aku tak tahu alamat rumah,rupenyer operator ni baru sambung ke FireStation kat Tenganu.)
me: kejap2,saye cari orang yang tahu alamat rumah ni.
..and I past my phone to my aunt,telling the address.And the second explosion went from the house.
Oh My..this is going bad.pagi2 raya dah ade benda tragis. About 10-15minutes later, the fire engines finally arrived. 3 fire engines came from different path.Some of the firemen were still on their baju raya putting on their fire-proof garment. Setibanya mereka, api dah pun berjaya dipadamkan.but, has to be made by the firemen.and more importantly, for me, that I wasn't making any prank-call to the 999. hahaha.^_^.
After everything dah settle, and selamat, ayoh ajak beraya ke rumah Teh pule.Alhamdulillah. Semua kembali normal.Malam tu,ade bbq di rumah baru Cik Lela. Makan kenyang2!
We spent our raye right until Wednesday.Wednesday morning, we headed back to KL.I drove Mercedes sampai lah rumah.(mum said "cayalah alya,ley tahan bawa lama2).Erk,mase kat LPT tu,ade polis!!tengah buat speed trap.DEEMMM!!.Nasib baik mase tu tepat2 120.erkk,,which had maximum mase raye adelah 90 je!!!hahaha.huhu.Hope takde ape2 la kan.hihi..
Thats for now. Tinggal lagi sehari untuk berade di rumah.Esok harus pulang ke UPM.and ade test pulak tu.Chemistry...=(.All the best Alya.Fighting!
Walimatul urus at sg merab
5 months ago
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