26 April 2009-28 april 2009
Kem Jalinan Hati (KEJati),Gunung Angsi, Negeri Sembilan.
With the name of Allah,the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful.
26Apr. That morning agak berat nk gerak dari rumah, sbb letih yang hari2 lepas tak habis lagi(angkut barang dari kolej,kemas rumah,basuh kereta abg). Sampai kat KMR tu,kawan2 lain punya beg kecik2 je.haha,mine is slightly bigger than them.huhu(biasalah,perempuan..^_^). n FYI majority budak Asper semua nya, sorg je budak KejoT which is Tom (i dunno whats his real name)..but he is Amalina’s classmate. pusing2 pun kwn2 kite jugek.n like usual sisters conquer the majority compared to brothers.haha. Bertolak dari UPM pukul 9.30am,one hour late. Never mind, sampai sane about 11am kot.(tah la, aku cam mamai2 baru bangun tidur,,^_^)haha. So,together we packed in our stuff to the gazebo in that camp.(gazebo is the place where u do the cooking and eating). Afterwards, we set up our tents at the camp site. Penempatan dan kedudukan tent lelaki dan perempuan adalah sgt penting di sini kerana, lelaki dan perempuan adalah berbeda….(menurut abg fuad).hahaha. Pastu masak,makan n solat zohor. Ade la sesi ice breaking conducted by Tikah. After Asar, sisters were allowed to mandi manda di sungai meanwhile the brothers handle the dinner. Malam tu ade LDk n dibenarkan tidur awal, sebab tomorrow morning ade qiam.
27Apr.Qiam that morning, the brothers were a little bit late, so qiam agak sedikit lewat-almost nk masuk subuh. takpelah,mereka keletihan sbb shift berjaga malam tuk sentry. terima kaseh byk2 brothers. That morning after breakfast, we were so energetic n enthusiastic. Kembara Gunung Angsi would be started sooner. About 8.40am, group 1st started their journey first.Luckily, nisa, jida, azyan and me were in the same group. Perjalanan ke atas puncak memakan mase approximately 6hours. So, we arrived at the top of the mountain about 1pm. Fuh, seriously penat giler. Memanjat setiap akar2 pokok, jage steps, ducked under huge enormous stones, crossing river,etc. Kat atas tu, aku da macam org takde tulang, lembik giler!letih giler. Tapi ape2 hal,posing tetap posing. Sakan bergambar atas tu. Sambil2 menikmati keindahan alam ciptaan Allah di puncak gunung setinggi 825m ni, ade pulak coverage phone.maxis n celcom. Wahwah, aku pon ape lagi, call la Mummy and Daddy. They were pretty amazed that I could reached them by phone at the peak of the mountain. Zohor pun tibe, Wuduk yang diambil 2jam lalu masih maintain,org lain yg da takde tu kene tayamum dgn debu pasir, so di atas tu jugek la kami solat beramai2. Mase tahiyat akhir, air hujan mulai turun.Sempat lagi, lepas solat tu, Abg Fuad bagi KUTiM (Kuliah Tiga Minit). Allah memberi hujan rahmat kepada kami krn berjaya sampai ke atas, berjaya tempuhi segala cabaran mase mendaki, n berjaya juge mengembara menikmati alam ciptaan Yang Maha Esa. Kami turun semula approximately 2pm, n mase tu, kat langit dah pun gelap. Hujan makin kuat. Part yang paling menakutkan adelah mase turun dekat satu curam yang 90° agaknye. Hanye ade tali je yang membantu. Safety pads like elbow pad o knee pad sumer takde. I was sort of frighten n didn’t have any confident tuk turun dengan selamat nye, I even thought of going to slide down. Tapi dgn arahan abg Fuad mmg berkesan, aku landing ngan selamat.(Thnx abg Fuad,caya lah sama Bro..^_^) n mase part tu jugek la hujan makin lebat. Baju, seluar, kasut, beg,..sumer basah. Henset2 aku pun masuk air ( nasib baik masih sihat ), ade camera n henset kwn2 lain da takley on terus. Kasihan mereka, ape lagi, rezeki henset baru le tuh..huhu.Perjalanan turun actually lagi susa dr naik,sbb u have to use almost all of ur strength to break n slow down. Ade gak la tempat2 licin aku tergolek a few times. Balik dalam hujan ni pulak, consequence yang ade adelah, pacat will get all over u. i was so careful n cautious not to let any pacat got onto me. Still there was one time, I noticed a pacat tgh berjalan atas kasut aku mase tgh bukak kasut tuk amek wuduk, haha,,teros terkejot, minta Tikon tolong buangkan.(it turns out that pacat gigit/lekat kat jari Tikon,huhu,n at last Ku jugek yang buangkan,tq everyone,korg menyelamatkan nyawaku,-erk,yep2,aku takot pacat ni). Solat asar jugek bersujudkan dedaunan kering di dalam hutan ini. Alhamdulillah mase solat tu,xde pacat naik atas aku.hukhuk. We arrived at our camp site about 6.30pm. Balik tu terus menghala ke toilet membersihkan diri. Dah bersih2 tu, tetibe Yan tegur, ”alya,kaki ko berdarah”….erk,,WHAT????huhu,ade jugek pacat yang berjaye meyedut hak asasi aku.takpe2,rezeki kamoo ye pacat. That night, i wasn’t feeling very well,my lungs-it hurts. I felt really hard to breath. I stayed in my tent that night and didn’t go to the LDk..=(.
28Apr. I tried to reply as many wishes msgs as I could. That morning, we had maggi for breakfast,~waaahh,sakit perot ma~.tapi sedap magginyer.hihi. At 9am, ade ceramah from this professor from UPM, turns out that he was daddy’s junior back in SAS. What a small world. Mase ceramah tu, ala~biasalah ngantuk,sejam yang pertama dan terakhir je segar. Tgh2 tu tak tahu hilang ke mana.(^_^”). Later, lunch n bersiap tuk pulang. Mase sesi Resolusi, kwn2 nyanyikan lagu bday,huhu,terharu. On the way balik ke UPM, lansung tak sedarkan diri,nyenyak giler tidur,keletihan. Sampai2 kat gate K13, Abg Zidni dah pun sampai. Yeah,takyah tunggu lelame nk balik. At last, home sweet home!!! This camping mmg syok giler even though memenatkan, mmg byk bg manfaat n knowlegdes bagi men-topupkan lg ilmu agamaku yang cetek ini.hukhuk. Alhamdulillah, sgt bersyukur terpilih pergi kem nih. Thanks to everyone!
kenangan yg x dpt dilupa!!
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