Assalamualaikum wbt.
salam aidilfitri.maaf zahir batin
10 October 2008. 8.52am
It has been a long time since the last blog I wrote. Well,this 3rd sem has really keeping me busy with assignments ,presentations and examinations . However, I was really having fun with all the Asperian, up until now. The 3rd sem will end sooner or later and to think about that, I got nothing in my head-imagining about how’s life in the first year, how’s life without friends in Asper. One and a half year has given me a lot of sweet memories. In one and a half year, I have learned so many new things whether it‘s from lecturers or friends (usually from friends of course=P). One and a half year seem to pass really slowly ~ as I enjoyed every each of the second in Asasi. It’s really mean a lot to me, way meaningful than I had back in Seseri. (hahaha). So, i guess everyone in asasi has pass up their degree form yesterday. Everyone will go in different direction later on.Well,guys, have fun in gaining knowledge in your 1st year. Keep up the good work!Aja2 fighting!!!
Anyway, talking about schools- I’ve watched this one Japanese drama entitled “my boss my hero”. It was REALLY-SERIOUSLY the best Japanese drama. It was tacky and damn hilarious!!~ there was parts that I laughed a lot (sampai kat luar bilik pun boleh dengar,,hahahaha)-funny lol and some parts that really touching my heart..burst to tears some more~hukhuk. And I learned something for this story~ friends give a lot of impact in one’s life. Sad, happiness, excitement, confusing, feeling down, loathing…etc. Friend is the 2ndimportant person after family. Thanks a trillion to people who enroll as friends to me.
Huhu. Lets watch this drama over and over again.
The series is mainly about a 27 year old man named Makio Sakaki. His purpose is to become a successor after his father. However, he must pass high school first in order to prove himself worthy in the family for if he fails, his younger brother will take over, instead of him. Through the school years, he faces many obstacles such as righteousness, friendship, and perhaps even love.
Walimatul urus at sg merab
5 months ago
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