This might be the last post for this year, since it's already end of December. I'm currently continuing my 3rd semester in UPM. Alhamdullilah, this sem's registration courses went a little ease compared to the last two semesters.And like usual, the courses registered are much more tougher that the years back.I'm having three Chemistry subjects this semester which are Analytical Chem, Component of Food Chemistry, and Analytical of Food Chemistry.I am yet do not know what are the differences' between each,and what are the similarities. Yet their names seems to be related to each other.Hoping that everything will go through smoothly.
This semester, my juniors from Asper registered in for their freshman in BSTM and for other courses as well.Like us,(the so-called S-Club7) they are facing the difficulties in registration,even worst when they are in more numbers than us.Faculty doesn't look like they give a warm welcomed as they didn't ready the classes for these students.They should have thought through this so-called phenomenal when the Asper student joined in for their freshman year. It has been 4 batches of Asperians coming in for their degrees. Can't they think of much better ways and efforts of welcoming the Asper (hey, kami warga didik emas UPM ok, dah berapa lame dah duduk kat UPM ni.almost 3 years taw..,cepatnya masa berlalu.Dah masuk tahun baru.Dah semakin tua.and semakin menghampiri kematian. What happened to last year's resolutions? Did all the aims achieved?I can say - yep.half of it.hihi.(^_^)v
Done listing all the newest for next year.InsyaAllah,cube untuk mendisiplinkan diri. Amin.Semoga kalian dan diri ini diberkati Allah selalu.
Segala yg baik datang dari Allah,dan yg buruk datang dari diri saya sendiri. Wallahu'alam.
Walimatul urus at sg merab
5 months ago
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