Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Attending Korean 101

omo omo!!! so cute jang geun suk boxing figure... Cr;keungall on Twitpic

Assalamualaikum wbt

An nyeong ha se yo.Jeo nun, Siti Alyani im ni da..
(to be continued...)

Yep.I am so into learning Hangul at the moment.Actually,it has started few years back when I was in Foundation Studies in UPM.Almost every girls in college are crazy about Korean dramas and movies.I'm included ^_^. I was once started learning the Hangul letters but then it was kept on hold (lack of perseverance and self-discipline). Yet, I never stopped watching Korean movies

jks ole beauty cf... cr:yui1234 +ajjimajoy + i love jang geu... on Twitpic

It is fun and enjoyable! No pressure at all. And it's always a good excuses to distress! owh,and and, not to mention I learn this by myself.I don't attend any classes and don't have any teacher. I make use of the internet a lot! and with the help of my Korean friend, from South Korea itself, Jeongsu Kim.Thank you very much dear Jeongsu Kim, 감사합니다..!

Pictures JKS: Credit to ilovejks (twitpic)


Niza Dekja said...

ehehehe! akak penah tengok 3 je cita korea ni: meteor garden 1, my girl n sassy girl n i love it so much. ni masa kt ukm. ada cita wajib tonton yg nk dcadangkan? hehe!

Zidni said...

x paham :/

Ally M said...

hee.abg tak paham yg mana?