Apr 16, 2007, 10:17 pm
My plan about afiqah’s suprise besday party was a success! Afiqah looked suprised..A 1\2kg blueberry cake, i bought at Bintang mart in Bangi Utama was a really2 suprise for her.(think so)..We sang a besday songfor her n ask her to blow the candle..hahaha (it was like a scene in themovie plak..)..n we ordered some meals (Mcd la pe lg) to be delivered to afiqah’s house,,unfortunately ,i have to go home early as i promised to accompany dad to KL in the evening.so after rushing back home,i performed zohor prayer n rushing back to ukm komuter station heading toBndr Tasek selatan.n slightly change train (LRT) heading to SultanSulaiman…*we decided to use public transport..since we dun have to worry for where to park the vehicle..
KL was a very2 bz city yar.,i had a very pain in my leg.,walking aroud KL..yet i didnt regret for it cos i had a great time spending it with dad.I traveled every road in the city..(i guess..hahaha)..but surely i have fun with dad.
P\s..KL ppl are NO GOOD!!..I REPEAT..NO GoOD~!They are careless n lessmannered!NO GOOD LA U PPL!!
Walimatul urus at sg merab
5 months ago
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