Peace be Upon All.
It has been quite awhile since the last time I posted. It was a rough and tough weeks to end this semester. This is my third semester in my undergrad sandwiches course. I’m not sure whether I’ll have four years studies or three and a half years, since we ; the so called S Club Seven would have to fit all the available course in upcoming semester as maximum as possible. I just couldn’t understand why do we have to hurry, I LOVE studying (rather than working…at least I think so).
One of my subject this semester, conducting a case study ; where we need to do a chemical analysis towards one typical food. My group had Mee Kuning, while some other group picked Muffin, Cultured Milk, Burger, and some other foods that were chosen by the Demonstrator. At first I think it was fun; you know it feels like doing project of your own. Somehow, in the middle of the work, I felt so annoyed, unfocused, loathed, and tired! It was difficult at the part where group mates were hard to understand. I have never had a smile each time I stepped out of the lab, so irritated and pissed off. I spitted all out while I was driving back to my college. As I thought I could release everything in my room, I was even devastated. And I ended up driving straight away for home. Seeing mum and little brothers was a huge relief! Thank god I have my Kelisa that is always by my side.
As soon as my case study has finished, it was the time for a ‘real concentration’ for final exam. There was a mutualism-deal with Uji, one of my roommates, where we exchange study shift. I studied from 8pm till 3am, while in that time Uji had her sleep. I woke Uji up at time where it was my turn to sleep, while she studied until dawn.
(a post-it notes as a reminder,and a colourful nail painted by me while I was trying to hafal all the notes.wait?hafal?WTH)
However, there was one-all-along distraction facing me. Movies in laptop! I tend to watched Japanese and Korean dramas though I have watched it like dozen of times. One of the biggest-distraction of all time is Facebook. However, I decided to deactivate my FB since it's an exam week. Wasn't that something?^_^.Hahahaha.
Alhamdulillah, all papers end, at last!. My last paper was on 27th April. I couldn't say that all papers were OK~because it was not!!I have done my best and that was it. Usaha-Doa-Tawakal. That's a motto to use while exam-mood are around.>_<. Well, indeed,I hope all the exams are good,with flying colors!!Amin,,,,insyaAllah.
Walimatul urus at sg merab
5 months ago
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