Walaupun dalam minggu cuti sem, namun kerje2 yang aku ada..tetap macam tak cuti.(ni lah akibat menangguh lab report~darn tak nak buat camni dah).Sedang cube sedaya upaya menyiapkan lab report bersama2 dengan rakan seperjuangan Hanisah..sehinggakan mengeksploitasi wall2 di Facebook dan mengguna sehabis baik YM untuk berbincang,walau pun agak susa sebab kene type je memanjang.,namun kecekalan masih dalam genggaman.hahaha..^_^
hm,terfikir sekejap,agaknye next sem ke mana kite semua ye?? Quality control? Functional food? Engineering? (ehem,aku taknak sebut B**tech-so not my option,=p)
Well,whatever ur choices,we will always be the so called S Club 7.^_^
Just so u know guys, you are the best!We have been through lots of hard time together, yet we are still standing. Let us fight this 4years sandwich course and strive for excellence!!InsyaAllah.Ameen.
Walimatul urus at sg merab
5 months ago
2 comments: i can comment...but i wanna comment it on dat everyone can sees it..i mean..people who knows us...anyway Alya..dont worry...we will go through this whole sem together...7 of us will support each matter how bad i busy i am...i still wanna go through 5 more semester...together...7 of us...i really hope..we all graduate together sith pointer 3.00 and above..dont put too much stress..dont give away chances in front of u alya..
awww...swweeeet..thnk u dear~
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