oh MY Lord"O my Dear Allah, make my love for You the most beloved thing to me, and my fear for You the most fearful thing to me, and remove from me all worldly needs and wants by instilling a passion for meeting You, and when You have given the people of the world the pleasures of their world, make the coolness of my eyes (pleasure) in worshipping You." Ameen~
20 June 2009
Selalu nyer bile naik kereta, I’d be the driver. Sepanjang cuti ni, aku la yg pergi hantar and ambik adik2 sekolah,drive mum to pasar, hantar adik tuisyen, grocery shopping,etc. I get used to the driver seat n being able to control the motion of the car.But today, I sat at the pasengger seat. Ya Allah, pening yang amat,hanya Allah yang tahu. Mase masuk pintu kereta Abg Zidni dah loya2 pening. Bertambah kepeningan bile the whole peeps in the car berborak/berbincang sepanjang jalan sampai Ampang. Perjalanan pulang ke kampung ptg ni dengan kereta kawan ayoh, Dr Abdullah. Ayoh’s best pal in UDM. Anything that related to UDM, they’d consult each others opinion. Selalunya, ayoh n Dr Abdullah bergilir2 kereta balik KL during weekend. Economically saved and boleh teman memandu,takde lah mengantok mane. Rendezvous di Petronas di Ampang bout 5.30 pm. Dr Abdullah bawa anak lelaki dia juge. (ok,fine.teman ayah masing2, fathers day pon da dekat,hihi).
Ok. Perjalanan yg lagi bertambah pening when they talked along the way to Terengganu. Mase dekat highway around KL-Gombak-Karak aku tidur. Pening yg dasyat. Rase nk terkeluar isi perut pon ade,,tapi terpakse tahan since Uncle Abdullah yg drive. Bau tinggalan durian yg Uncle beli last week lagi memuak+mual kan tekak aku. Aku tutup mate, pura2 tidur. Ade sekali tu,ayoh ade cerita pasal pensyarah die, so he tried to recall the age of his lecturer, by calculating the year his lecturer got his pHd. At the same time, aku pon turut mengira dalam hati. Bile ayoh lambat beri jawapan, aku mencelah. Haha. Ayoh laughed. Tidur pon boleh mengira jugek. Hihi. Sorry, I couldn’t help my mind~it was an automatically response.(^_^). But, the dizziness keeps hunting me. Masuk LPT, dozed off. Alhamdulillah, memang tak sedar ape2. Then, berhenti makan and solat maghrib dekat Gambang. Dari situ sampai Terengganu, takley tidur. Ade sekali, dalam perjalanan, ade roadblock. Aku sempat tarik sikit seat belt sangkut kat bahu and then buat2 tidur dengan tudung tutup tangan yg tgh peluk tubuh(aku mmg hebat berlakon depan polis.hihi) Tapi ayoh punye seat sangat obvious. That policeman tanye,kenape tak pakai seat belt. I still remembered his phrases..
“Kenape ni tak pakai seat belt?kan kereta baru. Sakit ke? Encik tahu tak encik bersalah sebab tak pakai seat belt belakang?”
Mase dia cakap camtu. Aku yg tgh pura2 tidur ni terbangun, tengok die yang konon2 tgh suluh aku n later I pretended dozed off again..and he went..
And then Uncle pon jalan lah.hahaha. As if like nothing happened. See how teribble Police in Malaysia is. Saman je la teros. Yeah, I don’t mind being fine since memang salah kite. Tapi they themselves tak strict dalam menjalankan tugas and amanah negara, macam mane la Malaysia tak corrupt. Ni baru kes seat belt tak pakai. Ape entah lagi kes2 lain.Well, I hope not that police officer who makes the government goes worst.
Arrived about 10.45pm, and uncle headed to a restaurant named Aslan Restaurant, I think it’s the place where they usually stopped by, at least I think so. The name of the restaurant reminds me of one story : The Chronicles of Narnia, where there is one enormous and humongous lion named Aslan ; Same size with the guy who sat in the cashier side ( I think he’s the owner of the restaurant). Well at least I thought he was big compared to other staff that worked there. That time was exactly 11 at night, and there were so many customers enjoying their food. What wondered me was that they were wearing simply similar clothes, including the cashier! Most of them were in Jubah with serban on their top, some with kain pelekat n baju melayu, whilst the ladies were in baju kurung. And what were they doing at this kind of time? Well,back in home at that particular time, mum da suro masuk tido since esok nak sekolah. Ya’ah, tomorrow ahad, hari bekerja di Terengganu, so kenape mereka2 tak berada di rumah berehat menanti kerje esok nye?…kalau aku, dah lame selamat atas katil dekat rumah tu..hahaha. Sampai rumah Teh(aunty) about 12. sempat lagi aku cekup 2-3 cucuk sate kajang yg ayoh bawa balik dr Bangi. Then tidur.
21 Jun 2009
Bangun pagi tadi, memang amatlah indah..sebab terbangun dengar azan subuh menusuk ke telinga ; bukanlah ringtone alarm yg aku pasang dekat phone. Selesai solat subuh, baru aku mandi. Sementara tunggu ayoh bersiap, aku tidur2 ayam kejap. Ayoh dah siap tu, pergi la rumah tok. Sini la selalu tempat aku ditinggalkan bile ayoh pergi kerje(aceh,macam sedih je ayatnye,hihi). Tetiba aku teringat, anak2 sedare aku selalu juge kene tinggal macam ni bile parents diorang pergi kerje (certain days), sian mummy,=(,..kalau budak2 tak buat sepah boleh la tahan juge, ape2hal mok jugek yg kene kemas. Nak kene budak2 kecik ni.hahaha. nasib la aku tak wat sepah or tak susah kan tok kat sini (doh beso da aku ni). About zohor tu, kaklong mari. Terkejot kaklong jumpe alya kat sini. Macam la dekat Bangi tak ley jumpe. Kaklong datang dengan durian satu plastik. Aku pon join, and akhirnya, aku pening lagi. Sekarang tengah melayan FB and blog tuk reduce the pain.haha.Perhaps esok balik. InsyaAllah pagi.dan harapnyer tak pening lagi.Ameen~.
Walimatul urus at sg merab
5 months ago